Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2 Lips

So I get this lovely card in the mail yesterday. It's a picture of a bouquet of red tulips.

Methinks to myself "Self? Who sent me this beautiful, classy card? Did someone just now remember my birthday only 7 months late? . . . . Dad?"
I open up said card and read the following: This is to remind you that it is time for your gynecological check-up

Sooooooo many questions.

Why is this elaborate doctor's appointment reminder so over the top? Whatever happened to the phone call or a simple, plain post card reminder? And Tulips? TWO LIPS? A bit heavy handed aren't we Dr. Gynecology? My gyno is about 110 years old and I love the guy, but I've never received such a smarmy card from him in the past. Also, check out the freaking stamp he used on the back of the card. Is this Vaginatown USA or what?

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